Alexis Broders
Alexis Broders has over 15 years of experience in the general management of mid-sized companies (ETIs) and SMEs in the energy and telecommunications sectors. Throughout his career, Alexis has demonstrated strong operational leadership skills while successfully completing around 15 financial transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures, financings, and restructurings. He began his career at the Ministry of SMEs before joining the Innovation Division of the Neuf Cegetel (SFR) group, where he managed a Wi-Fi infrastructure subsidiary. He then co-founded and developed Neoen, which became the leading independent renewable energy producer in France, over a period of seven years. In 2015, he joined the Effy Group, a pioneer and leader in energy renovation (B2C/B2B). At RGREEN INVEST, he will oversee the INFRAGREEN strategies, represent the company on the boards of its investments, and contribute to the firm's strategic planning. Alexis holds a degree from HEC Paris.