by Myriam Mirroir | Apr 19, 2022 | News
Alors que le concept de bonheur au travail fait le buzz, le rôle de Chief Happiness Officer est encore assez méconnu. Entretien en tête à tête avec Saskia Plaucheur, CHO de RGREEN INVEST, pour mieux comprendre ce métier. Bonjour Saskia, pourrais-tu décrypter pour nous...
by Myriam Mirroir | Apr 1, 2021 | News
RGREEN INVEST, an independent French asset management company specialized in investment and financing green infrastructures, joins the Climate Economics Chair, a research platform dedicated to climate economics, to support training and research efforts of its junior...
by Myriam Mirroir | Mar 26, 2021 | News
Maintaining its rapid pace of development, asset management company RGREEN INVEST announced the appointment of Anne-Laure de la Roche as Head of Asset Management. She will be responsible for creating a team dedicated to the management and monitoring of the investments...